I had a bit of a day out paying a short visit to a friend and then bought some very thin black plastic sheet to cover the ground around a few cucumber and bean plants. I was just down in the field covering the edges of the sheets with a little scoop when this little chap popped out of the earth as I stuck my scoop in. I was going to let him scuttle off, but he found his way on to the wrapping that had covered the roll of sheet and that made him a bit too much of an easy target so I scooped him up in that and popped him in a big plastic box. He is only about 8cm long and probably a bit shell shocked after being photographed with the flash. He is back out among the other natural wonders now looking for a safe spot to sleep. Supposedly this is a five-lined skink, but for me the wonderful blue in the tail deserved at least a bit of a mention in the name. They are very common and adults are a bit bigger, I guess this is one of last year's puppies.
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