Boxed again

A national holiday. My daughter has a birthday coming up, so I started on a little present for her. A little box of the type seen before on here. First I made up a slightly larger template for the various router and trimmer chores involved, then went scouting for a suitable piece of timber. Leaving this a little over size allows you to screw the template down onto it at points where the wood will later be cut off. I also cut off a slice of wood from one face to become the lid.
The glass and sandpaper reference above is not too clear. The glass gives a good flat backing to the paper and helps give a straight flat edge to the lid at the right 18 degree angle. If I cut it quite fine with the bandsaw I don't have to take off too much wood with the sand paper to get a good fit. A shooting block and a fine cut with the plane would work too.
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