Back in Business

Well, here we are. Hopefully back in business. Google seems to have done something, I think they just stopped asking for the passwords.
Here is what I wrote for todays post on the temporary home.
I only got in a little time on the leg parts after all. Begining to get a sense of where the shapes might go. The pattern makers vice at bottom right is very useful. Here it is turned up 90 degrees to hold a peice at an angle for sanding. I try to kind of progress all the parts in turn so that I don't have to start from scratch on each one and go through to the end. That way the process gets a bit dull each time, whereas this way each little step is repeated a few times, and then a new one comes along. The steps in the curve were left as purchase for clamps, but I think they will still be there in the finished piece in some shape or form. The board at the back is not the table top, simply there to stop chippings from going all over when working with the gouge. I can't quite face drawing on this new space yet, but I will start on some toad studies tomorrow.
Labels: Table sander vice
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