Owl time

I should be helping Sammy out in the kitchen as we are on cook duty again today, so just a short SP. Time for a hair cut soon. We are being blessed with a lot of rain this spring. The plum trees are all done blossoming, but cherry and pear are now out together and looking lovely in the short sunny spells we had today. One recent birdy development is a frequent owl call, evening and quite late into the morning. It only matches a long eared male, the female call sounded a bit more raspy on the Internet recordings I found, so I hope he finds a suitable partner. I should really put the wellies on and go out and see if I can spot the chap. The call is a bit mobile, so the best approach would probably be to sit in an open spot and try to catch him in transit.
Compressed charcoal on cartridge
Labels: SP owl
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