Blurry camera

Sammy on the piano, me on the sofa. It did turn out to be one of those days where translation work took over. Sammy went in to town yesterday to take the written driving test. All multiple choice I guess. Anyway he passed and got his license. He drove me to the shops this afternoon to get some odds and ends.
It sometimes feels a bit of a cheat just putting in photos like yesterday, but in the end I suppose they do give some idea of what is going on and they are certainly interesting for me to look at later if for noone else. I still like looking to see if there are any new red spots on the map down on the right and often wonder at the stupidity of the current conflicts in the world when that there in the map is all we have to go with. Let's hope something not too nasty comes up to get our minds off the neighbours' unusual habits and on to the bigger issue that as things stand we don't have any neighbors, so we should feel lucky to have even the ones we appear to find so upsetting. I hope sammy's first car will be an electric one.
Japan goes on national holiday from tomorrow, so we will be virtually house bound as the roads get so crowded the bicycle is the best bet to go anywhere.
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