Cut up

Some of todays activity involved a cetain steeliness of heart, sawing up bits and bobs left over from the past few months of work that had built up in stacks around the shop. I am always tempted to keep wood that looks like it might be useful one day, but there comes a time when the circular saw must do its work before I have time to reconsider.
It is not yet time to light up the stove, but I have bagged up the off cuts to burn in there when october comes around. I found a couple of B5 sketchbooks that I had forgotten. I had to steel the heart to start up using them as well. I find little bits of paper more of a challenge than big ones, so perhaps I should take this opportunity to conquer the fear. There are surprising similarities to iron work, you have to think while the thing is in the fire and then strike while the iron is hot. It is the same with so little space to fill, with the larger paper it is easy enough to think as you go.
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