Not quite feeding the five thousand, but daughter and self were left to our own devices this evening and fed up quite nicely in the parable of the five fish and four potatoes. We only had room enough in the grill for two of the trout we had been given, so we popped the other three in foil with a bit of oregano tucked in their bellies and they turned out fine as well. The fish were already a day old and nearing extinction, so our choices were either to waste their biomass or make them part of us and lose a little aluminium. I suppose we could have got some of the charcoal I kept from the stove and grilled them over that as a more sustainable approach, but we were both already pooped from the day's activities. Everything we undertake bristles with question marks over the environmental burden it will impose, but we did manage to enjoy the fish.
During the daylight hours I made headway with the beams and brackets and enjoyed the clear weather after the passing of the storm.
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