The clocks have changed in the UK now, so my skype session is slightly later in the day. Not feeling particularly sprightly today, so not much physical activity. I spent an hour or so disassembling an old propane water heater I got it from a renovation job. In the end we never used it because propane is too expensive here to make it viable. I discovered that it had rusted itself a huge hole in one of the gas pipes anyway, so only useful for parts. I was working on the floor in the new space shown in the top photo and later came across the bottom photo of the same space back in the spring. I think there are sufficient reference points to tell what the changes have been. The big pale pillar and the holes in the corner pillar should allow you to orient your vision. I quite like having these little construction projects on the back burner with each little effort making new space or more convenience. I was hoping to get a little porch area outside the doors done with the recent batch of concrete, but it didn't spread that far. Looking at how the shuttering spread out under the load I think I could probably have done it if I had made that work a little more sturdy.
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