Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Absolutely pooped after scrabbling about in a giant game of pick up sticks all morning. At first I didn't think we would be able to dig down to anything interesting, but in the end we found some larger planks of Zelkova buried under a load of reasonable firewood. The bulk of the sticks on top are just not worth the trouble, they are so thin they would burn up in a moment. 
A bloke came by just as we were about to leave and was fairly hostile for a sunny day. The pile is a free for all and he was moaning that everybody was taking the stuff he wanted. Obviously the youngest child or something. Anyway, we remained civil and that was that. I'm glad he wasn't hovering about the whole time or it would have made the blue sky grey.
Sammy drove the truck back and after it was unloaded he wanted to take it to the yard too so that he could get that weird sensation when switching to driving the little light truck that makes it seem like a little bumper car.