The leg section from Monday clamped in its proper place to give me ad idea of the final look. There is one panel left out, but I can get the general idea OK. Working on shaping up the more curvy parts still. Mainly the back rail and a couple of the more insect bitten back slats. The rotten or worm ridden bits help one to be a little more agressive in cutting deeper and then the shape has to incorporate the post surgery timber. I had to face the fact that the top for the back needed to have some caps on the ends to allow for the potential to split. Made those and tried them on, but leaving the subconscious to digest that while I get on with the remainder of the critter. Using the arbortech and the large belt sander, so the fishbowl helmet a necessity. The big sander is pretty heavy, but with the very coarse belt on it gets enough traction pointing uphill to support some of its own weight.
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