Getting to the dusty phase with the bench. The top of the back rest is also jointed up and ready to be shaped. The knobs on the side of the back slats are left over from band sawing. I leave them on to provide support if I need to resaw something. The two end pieces were also done by the evening, but I got distracted a bit in the afternoon as I recieved the batch of solar cells I had ordered from the US on Ebay. Very fragile things, much more so than I imagined. I am glad they have the tabs soldered on already, I think it would be a bugger to do all the soldering oneself. One cell had cracked across a corner, I thought I would do a tally before I started to get all English about it. It turned out the seller had included four spares in the batch of 100, so no worries. The broken one went on experimenting with soldering and the possibility of controlled snapping to size for future reference. Control level zero on snapping to size, so I won't be doing any of that I hope.
The cells I have are virtually identical to the ones on
this site in case you are interested.
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