I have come to realize one of the reasons why I am concerning myself with solar. If I read even a little about the supression of battery technology it fills me with so much bile I have to do something to counteract it. If you are at all interested in how mendacious the United States military industrial complex is, try this. A story I have mentioned before.
Back in 1997 there was a NiMh battery capable of powering a vehicle at normal driving speeds over 150 miles on a single charge. The battery would last over 1000 charges. That is 150, 000 miles. Our truck has not even reached that number in Kilometers and it has seen daily use for around 15 years. With a solar panel that would not to think about it too hard or certain blood vessels might pop.
A one page summary of this foul story here
The actual datasheet for the battery by Panasonic here
That should equip any right minded person with sufficient bile to cause a major erruption at the mere mention of the US car industry and the billions devoted to saving it.
Back to work.
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