Pole top

The post top item took more shape, but didn't actually get the two bits together as shown here. One of the bikes had a split frame with the back forks mounted on a hinge with a shock absorber. I used the hinge to go on top of the post as the thing that will determine the angle of the panel depending on the time of year.
I had seen panels mounted on roofs, so though about things based on that, but on looking into the available mounts I found that the best solution was to have some kind of axis that would could be oriented to match that of the planet we sit on. This angle only has to be changed a little each day as the year progresses. The angle shown here might happen at the equator, but not where we are. The blue shaft housing remains stationary while the shaft that runs through it rotates. Brackets will connect the top and bottom of the shaft to the panel mount. The beginnings of one bracket can be seen at the right (top end) of the shaft.
Labels: Solar tracker
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