
Many little jobs during the day. Started with Sammy helping to shift all the parts and then a timely visit from a friend in the afternoon to help lift the leg section up to mate with the seat portion so that I could drill some pilot holes. More solitary work and then in the early evening further assistance from my wife as she helped poke bolts up through the legs as I lifted each end. One of the leg joints was showing signs of not having cured properly, so I left the clamp on that. I hope to find all well when I go down tomorrow morning to check that all the parts have spent their first night as one unit without the help of immuno-suppressants. I have one more day to add finishing touches or reinforcements and then the thing is to be rendered in parts once more for transportation out the door on Sunday.
I took the liberty of trying the thing out for a bit of rest as dusk began to draw in.
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