
I am getting more use out of my monkey boots as the rain continues. The above represents most of my progress for the week. Some parts are not visible lying underneath, I thought it might be interesting to see the original sketch (below) again next to the work so far. I put the sketch on its side so that the two correlate better. I have had another rethink on the glass retention as I want to make it easier to replace something if it happens to get smashed. I will rip the back off of the top rail at the front edge of the groove for the glass, glue on an extra strip to bring the ripped off section back up to thickness and then have that fit back in with screws to retain it. Then the glass can be slipped out from the top if that strip is removed. More work, but without it the whole window would have to come to pieces to get the glass out.
The parts on the right are being prepared for some kind of decorative carving, probably very simple as anything too complex will be out of place. Having the blocks at corners makes it very easy to mate horizontals and verticals. There will be corresponding fascia on the outside of the frame, too. I suspect I may put glass in the blocks again, like a couple of the other doors have had. We'll see, it might be nice with just some different material inlaid.

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