Strange inheritance

A one time client who was himself a carpenter died recently and I have had several excursions round to his residence which is crammed with all sorts of odds and ends. Mainly there to tidy up taking away some of the hoard of timber offcuts to burn. The window is actually made from one of them, but most are the kind of composite material I don't use much. The other week I went on a more extensive tour of the ruins with his widow and we came across a great load of little oddment boxes full of all kinds of hardware in the form of screws and whatnot. I am keeping some of them under the sink for now until I learn what they live on. I needed some tiny stainless steel screws to attach the hardware and what with the frame filling the room on the bench making it hard to get in and out of that corner of the forest I just crawled about down among them in search of something suitable. One of them coughed up a nice little box of blackened things just the right size.
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