A few days of heightened activity in the summer heat. I noticed some more logs on one of the slopes we drive by to get to the main road and after a bit of telephone chasing I got permission to cart them off. Friday I stripped the ones I wanted of their bark so that they would slide better and pushed them down the slope to where I could reach them with the crane. Saturday morning I went to fetch the crane and then got my daughter to operate the controls while I attached slings and guided the logs hither and thither. I had to extend the work rack to hold the new additions and also added a tarpaulin roof to keep the worst of the sun off while I work on them. I think I have all I need for the major timbers and if I need any more I should be able to make do with the little truck to pick some up from the yard by the dam.
This picture is taken from up on the roof looking northwest toward the road. The log at the back is about 4200mm, so 13 foot six or so.
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