
The stack of panels is now done, there are four here with the pentagon for the tippy tip of the dome standing in front. The fifth and final panel came up together after this was taken. The stacks of struts diminished correspondingly and the shelf brackets down the end sighing with relief. The tip of each of the panels will lean in to mate with one tip of the pentagon. Painting with a persimmon based tannin mix is next, then I will have to check how much plastic sheet I have for the covering. A local chap gave me a roll of stuff about 0.5mm thick, which will cover the triangles in the pentagons, but it is not wide enough to do the hexagons. I am thinking of cutting the covers for those from double walled polycarbonate stuff, so the more I can get done with the gift the better I shall like it. I must also make some openable window panels to let out some of the summer heat that I hope will acummulate.
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