
A couple of years ago I was offered the use of some standing trees in a kind of car park open space. We had a big snowfall last Monday, so my other sources of supply are a little damp or inaccessible and we are running low on firewood. Friday I went to fell two of the trees and picked ones that had a nice leaning bias into the open space rather than out onto the neighbouring road and power lines. I cut up and carried some home yesterday and then went back with my daughter today to get the rest. It was interesting to see them laid out horizontal against the white and then see all the sawed up segments of the main trunks and branches before they gradually disappeared as we loaded them into the truck and hauled them all home. All very scientific looking.This would be a devil of a job without the chainsaw.
The fate of the remaining three sisters is sealed, but I would like to use at least some of the wood rather than sending it straight back up the chimney into the carbon cycle.
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