Bracelets and dogs

I have found myself slightly exasperated with the news over the past couple of days, I have nothing positive to say about the mobile phone hanging, but the dog biting news in the UK is annoying. Of course the incident is tragic, but all the news coverage does nothing to help. Each segment should have a few doggy tips on it.
There is no excuse for agression in household dogs. If you have children make sure that they regularly place their hands on the dogs shoulders in your presence and lean on the dog. Preferably when it is a puppy, but even when grown up. This is a sign of dominance for all the breeds I have seen, if you are what the dog considers leader you will see them looking at you to check that you approve of their new rank below the child made plain by this action. If they try to wriggle out of it you make them take the action until they accept it. If they still wriggle you are not the leader and you need to find out who is. Once their subordinate position is established they can not attack the child without it becoming an attack on you in their pack mentality. This obviously means that you never let the dog put its paws on your shoulders or anyone elses or let it perform any kind of mounting type behavior as your allowing that puts them a rank above the individual in question with your approval as leader if you are present, they must always be the lowest in the human family pack order. You can further reinforce this by allowing the children to feed the dog (in your presence at first), but making it wait for the food until they say go. I think this is animal psychology common sense and I am obviously over simplifying, but it works and nobody has mentioned it even once in the coverage of the several incidents over the past year. It goes to show how low the human animal has sunk when you realize that they understand us better than many of us understand them when their set of rules is really very simple to learn.
There are many internet sites devoted to dog training, even a few minutes on there will help you understand the keys to the wolf mentality. Actually maybe it does relate to the SH situation more than I thought, especially if you are the parent of a child whose best friend is an iron bar.
Spikey pen on A4 copy paper.
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