I couldn't focus on much with everybody playing their own music, so I opted for another go at young sammy on the piano. Christmas eve is upon us without much of the paraphenalia here in Japan. I had a chat with my pops on the skype web phone as is our usual routine. More and more I find myself thinking that the study of history should be confined much more to ones own personal level. There is virtue in knowing what happened before one was born, but there is certainly much of it that I could do without, whereas some of the pictures that come out in conversation with the nearest and dearest are extremely poignant for me and if studied cast a revealing light on history as a whole. It is the very shortness of memory lane that makes it so important to take in each little step. Anyway, for all of those caught in the trials of life and deeply in need of the much wished for world peace, I add my voice to that plea from my fairly peaceful seat here in the mountains of Japan.
May the lengthening of the days into spring bring us the power to see the other side of things, whatever it may be, and work out that life really is too short for many of the things society believes to be so important.
Pastels on cartridge 25x35cm
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