
I have put the table over to the side of the shop for a couple of days while I make materials for a door project. So now the planer and other tools have taken over the dance floor. I am worried about getting pressed for time on the door frame and I could do with a moment of pause before I do the final shape on the legs.
I am doing things a little differently on this frame so despite drawing stuff out I need to actually put the bits next to each other to make sure the plan is going to work. The roads were blocked solid by the sound of it, so a good time to stay in and work.
More graft work tomorrow cutting timber to rough sizes truing up and thicknessing, then cutting gooves for joints. Similar to today, except that hopefully I shall be able to finish up with a bit of gluing. Nice warm weather, so I am back to towels as head protection rather than hats.
Charcoal on cartridge 37x53cm
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