
I did take a picture of the pipe, but the battery depleted syndrome made me panic on the button, so not a good shot at all. You can get the general idea.
I think I started out with hexagonal bar, then upset the middle a bit and also the fat end. I think I then drew out the other end and then ground off a bit, then I did the twists and drilled out the hole through the middle, then did the neck bend, repaired a crack and then drilled out the tobaco end with a big stepped drill and the small end to accept a rounded stub on the mouthpiece.
I was planning to deliver the thing today, but went sketching with sammy and then out on a big food shop and to buy soccer shoes for him to take on a trip. We hadn't noticed a hornet nest in a tree and as sammy was checking out the tree next door one of the aggressive little "Bs" stung him on the head. That made drawing a lot less fun, but he had a brave stab at it as it is part of college homework. Just as I was writing about getting stung, one of the smallest centipedes I have seen decided to bite me, he felt the horny heel of my foot. All these insects are on the edgy side in this season of change I suppose.
Anyway, Sammy was feeling OK on the way back from the shop so he asked to do the driving on the home run.
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