A day of all sorts. I revisited my motor collection yesterday after sorting through it to find something suitable for the belt sander. The drill press had a motor that needed a little spin on the chuck to get it started, which is not entirely safe, so I attached one that would start on its own. I also redid the sander with a motor of a lower wattage. The one I had in there was a little too powerful for the job. More welding of brackets and whatnot to get the new one in, but it had an adjustable sliding base as a bit of a bonus. There were still a few fiddly nuts to fit, but not too bad. The ancient motor also has a direction changing mechanism, which might prove useful. I ended the day working on a little present for a friend who I rarely give anything to. He is a very occasional organic smoker of sorts, so I started on a twisty iron pipe last year just before I started up on the blog that I never got finished. I got that down off the shelf to make and fit a mouth piece and finish it up, hopefully in time for or near enough to his birthday. The sander proving useful straight away. I started up trying to use a piece of shell for the job, but had to resort to a scrap of ebony type wood instead as the shell was too fragile. I'll pop in a picture of it when it is done tomorrow.
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