All the bamboo is now tidied away, we sometimes get comments about the decoration. I suppose the nicest was someone worrying about spending so much on hiring us for the stage work for such an event. Being that we spend almost nothing and certainly don't get paid, it must have been nice for the person who fielded that comment to be able to enlighten the commenter, and it is a complement to us that our efforts pass for something professional. I don't really know about the performers, I have always assumed they are volunteers too. The top picture is from almost the very back of the hall at furthest left. The singer is kind of famous locally, and she incorporates Japanese sign language gestures into the songs she performs. The hall was actually quite well filled. There is a point in the ceremony where the audience place flowers on the little platform at the front. The flowers are taken out later and floated on the lake I think. The three candles represent the three nationalities of people who were killed during the dam construction. Chinese, Japanese and Korean in alphabetical order. The pink girl dancers were photographed from the furthest right seat nearest the stage. They are from a Chinese High School in Yokohama where there is a big Chinese community.
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