Every year in early summer before I have my first go with the weed whacker I put markers in to stop me from slicing up these lilies when they are just poking their heads up. I have been trying to encourage them to come nearer to the house. This year my first jungle clearance was back on May 27 and unfortunately my efforts left the lilies standing out like sore thumbs, and a week or so later they all got dug up and pushed over by the wild boar. The roots were not to the taste of the cloven hoofed, in fact I am not sure what motive they had in delicately upending all the plants. Perhaps they took some strange pleasure in leaving them lying there gasping for water. With much righteous indignation I stood all the plants back up and tucked them in with some sturdier stakes to demonstrate to the native porcine crew that I would prefer them left vertical. My preferences were heeded and this is the first into full flower.
The leaves have suffered and to be honest the flowers aren't much to write about. I am rather partial to the sculptural qualities of the seed pods in autumn, but the scent is what I like them for most. As the cool air comes down the river bed in the evening, sometimes it swirls the scent up into the house.
Even a moment or two sitting on the veranda in the evening watching the fireflies loiter about among the cedar trees while this scent limbers up its muscles and explores ones interior can linger on in the mind for quite some time.
Exactly the kind of balm ones spirits need in these trying times, that and a tall chilled glass of something delectable..
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