Summer sale

This is a corner of one of the commercial papers we get inserted in our newspaper. In summer many boys still yearn to possess bugs of various kinds. The vast majority purchase their dream creature, but a few still go out and collect them. One common technique is to kick the trees in the forest and look out for falling bugs. I think the little tremor produces some kind of flight response and the bugs lossen their grip on the bark.
We had a couple of tremors this evening, the first was tiny, then a bigger one that had Sammy and I on our feet ensuring our flight route. One does not dash outside, but doors should be opened to allow egress should the situation worsen. This is one of the reasons for my slight distraction these days, I am keen to get my floating foundation grounded in concrete. We suffered no damage, but one of my larger electric hand tools was knocked off its shelf.
In our area we occasionally see the adult insects about their business, but with these larger ones it is more common for us to see their heads lying about as the ants carry off the rest once the creatures expire, or before I suppose, nature is often a little cruel.
This is the first year I have seen fireflies on sale in the same section, I hope to goodness these are all hand reared creatures, one does not like to think of the woods being plundered.
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