Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Rats nest

Reaching a peak of distraction as the electrician has made a start on the rewiring of our connection to the grid. I am not fond of having people in to do stuff, but in this case I think a licence is required and the connection to the meter definitely needs to be done by the electric company.
Although the rats nest here is actually just about safe, it has been left this way with its guts hanging out for a while awaiting the upgrade surgery. The rest of the electricals pretty nifty in comparison. A classic "before" picture. Lots too many wires feeding into a few breakers. 
So far the chap has only put in the wire from that pole I went on about a while ago to the house. Not a big problem for the household as any break in service will have to wait until it is convenient workwise, but my workshop connection has had to take second place as it was only "informally" wired in to the system. I have just run an extension cord down there to make do while the work is underway. I had to do a little restructuring around the current mess of a breaker board making a suitable sized opening for the sleak new plastic thing that is soon to replace the ugliness. You can see the slightly grey putty color here that I put on over the plywood board additions that were my last job of yesterday. 
I had trouble finding my putty spatula in the morning, so I vowed to tidy up until I found it. I had actually already found it in the place where I thought it would be, but I took the part of the handle I glimpsed to be that of a saw I am aquainted with and didn't proceed to a tactile inspection.  So, ignorant of my mistake I swept up and rearranged things for an hour or two then went back and pulled on the handle speculatively to find that it belonged to the long lost spatula.