Hineri kanamono

I had planned to take the table today, but there was a lump of translation work that needed attention and I had forgotten about the brackets for fitting the heater under the table, so finished off the day by making them. I was going to cut out strips of steel and then bend, drill and thread them, but I remembered I had some scrappy old fittings that would serve if flattened and bent. I also bent them to match and existing hole, so I eliminated a few steps in fabrication. The fittings were twisted metal straps for tying down rafters (Japanese name as in the title), I remember seeing them spoken of kindly in a video about midwestern construction, the roof without them had flown off into the sunset, but the one with had held on to see further service.
It was not pleasant to see my optimism about the change in America rewarded by Russian missile phobia today. I suppose that was the most important thing on the agenda for them on this day and the reality of the Bush era is still out there.
The sketch is from matching up the line marking the position of the bend in the little strip in the vice. I have clearer memories of this vice in the workshop of a friend where it used to live than I do of it here at home, so it is currently enjoying some kind of quantum presence in my world. I do have it in my head as part of my kit, so I turn to it for help when needed, but it also exists in memory somewhere else. Simple sketches are really not sufficient to cover all the complexities of time and space we encounter daily.
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