Tuesday, December 16, 2008


A day of walking under loads, ferrying timber down the slope to the front of the shop. Not sure about a new venture in the drawing line, so I thought I would have a draw over the chainsawing effort from the other day. I still have to take care of my back, so I try to triangulate when I do things bending down, resting the elbow on the knee takes a lot of the effort out of things.
I think I am beginning to get my second wind on this project as I see repetitions in the annual or weekly cycle as interesting. I think I was getting caught up in the mistake of pursuing content as the be all and end all of media. Same content, different day.
My other Achilles heal is the ankle zone. My shoes are designed for basketballers and have a nice supportive strap with velcro that wraps around and stops the little beggars twisting every time they feel like it. The laces on these shoes are utterly useless and I keep threatening to melt the knots in place as they always come undone in two seconds. I somehow missed the shoe tying lesson in childhood, so I can still remember the kid in school who taught me his simplefied method, and do so with fondness. I don't have this problem with other shoes, so I am reluctantly forced to blame the laces themselves.