White, but not Christmas

Still feeling slightly wibbly, but I have doused the bloodstream with medication of all kinds. No sign of the pigskin yet either. I have searched in all places near home, so my last resort is to search from far away and then report the loss to obtain reissue of the relevant documents, a major pain that will hopefully mean I don't repeat the foolishness. Just now waiting for a friend who is coming to stay with his daughter. Snow fell last night and is falling again now, so at least we made the right move in replenishing the firewood stocks and the stove is chortling nicely now.
I took receipt of a pair of binoculars today, extremely close focus creatures from Pentax, they seem very handy and they will be accompanying me on my walks from now on.
Sammy sealed up the big parcel of inner tubes after extracting the two he had ordered and managed to do it with all the same pieces of tape, carefully removing them and setting them aside for reuse.
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