Chilly again

I went to get paid today. Driving down the road it seemed to take an awful long time to get to my turn off. I thought that perhaps I was being held up for a reason. The road wasn't crowded or anything, time just slowed for a moment. If you had been in the car you would have heard me muttering that it was taking bloody ages. I took my turning to the left towards the lake and a second later a motorbike zoomed out from a small road on the right without slowing down or checking for cars. I gave him a surly beep and he looked round like a marginalized animal in a zoo. Goodness knows where he learnt to drive, but he is heading for trouble if he does that too often. A moment earlier and I would have hit the bugger. I suppose in one of my less frequented universes I am having a miserable evening. In this one, the stove is refreshed and keeping the chill off still.
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