Weeks end
A very slovenly week when it came to blogging. I have been letting my geeky side take over the evenings again. My experiments are based around the arduino system of microcontroller and temperature sensors. I have very limited mathematical or electronic knowlege, so it is straining muscles I don't use. There are lots of helpful little sites and I am grateful to all the people that put time into making their knowledge available.
The interesting thing is seeing the computer interact with something outside of itself that one can control and then leave to perform its functions independently.
Anyway, the content of each day has been fairly similar as my bench project has progressed during the interim and many joints are now done. Still yet more to do as I have it turned upside down to attach cross braces to the legs and then house them in the seat itself.
We went on a brief shopping spree today for consumables lost in the recent outdoor work. The youngsters wanted to sell some of their old books and magazines, so we went to town to do that. On the way we noticed several shops and restaurants that had closed down. The economy suffering a little still.
Aside from many other little odds and ends we got.... Thin metal grinder disks. These are only 1.2mm thick, but because of that they seem to work much better than the usual 2mm items that take forever to get through.
Lenox Bi-metal shatter resistant reciprosaw blades. If you have ever used a reciprosaw, you will be familiar with the twang of normal metal blades snapping, these do not come cheep. The lenox blades live up to their name and I will not buy the others any more. They come at a premium, but they do not snap, they will bend instead and can then be straightened. The teath also hold a pretty good edge.
The first toad stuggled into the pond today, wonderful texture and strangeness once a year as they flop about outside our front door looking for mates.
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