Saturday, June 20, 2009

Step back

Here is the schematic from the data sheet that came with the chip. I got five for a hundred yen. Unfortunately that quickly went down to one. I had a bit of a senior moment while building the circuit and forgot that I was now aiming to step up voltage. I had been working on the step down process too long. When I tried the chip on 5Volts it was happy enough as it had no work to do, but then I shifted to 12V and it did a quick hiss pop that was distinctly alarming. I removed it from the circuit after disconnecting. It had the appearance of the command module of the Apollo 13 mission after the incident. Anyway, I shall be more careful with the remaining units.
The circuit works fine and gives more volts out than go in as it should. I tried approximating the values of the capacitors as shown here, but switching them for two of the same value as in yesterday's photo made no difference that I could see on the meter.