I attempted a little socket to fit over the cog on the window motor, but it was not a success. I remembered I had seen a site with a
gear wheel calculator on and got a suitable unit printed out and stuck onto a thick piece of steel about 4cm square. You can just make out part of the smaller cog that represents the seven pronged item on the window winder. This is the first time I have ever made a cog. I should have drilled the center hole out first and then cut it round and trued it up on the lathe. Drilling holes for the troughs worked a treat and that kept things even when I started to lose paper. I could have scribed through to mark the metal I suppose, but there you go.

I got the cog made and found that the head on the jack was held on with a bit of thread as well as a tack weld. I made a similar thread in the cog and that is him with all that remains of the paper pattern. The window motor at right and the head removed from the scissor jack on the left.
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