The practicalities of yesterday's circuit. A big black 12v battery, left. On the chopping mat at the top is my little LED sensor array with five LEDs oriented to poke out from a little stainless steel pyramid painted black. That is the one part I have finalized. There are two pairs of LEDs wired in series that feed into the big breadboard in the middle and each switch one half of a little quad opamp chip. The amp is only wired up on one side at present and has two wires running to the H-bridge that runs the little motor. That is the circuit from yesterday and it is wired up on the little bread board stuck to the shield on top of the Arduino board. I use the pen light at the bottom to shine on the individual LEDs and hopefully produce the appropriate response. The arduino will be wired up between the opamp and the H-bridge once it gets out of the quarantine phase it is in at present.
The other chip (right) on the big bread board is a smaller H-bridge that is only good up to 1amp. I used that to check the wiring on the op-amp during earlier missions into the land of electronica.
Incidentally the dual MOSFET arrangement did not like anything under 5v fed into the Gate pin, I had to get out the amp data sheet to make sure it was OK with 6volts, then the thing started to work.
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