Friday, December 04, 2009


A crude squiggle, but as you might be able to see I have not wasted the intervening time and have let the beard grow to stave off the winter chills.
Inevitably, despite immense care, the completed welding throws the frame a little out of squiff. I clamp the high corners of the structure down to my cast iron welding slab and heat the other corners to allow it to settle back into true again.
The "immense care" involves welding only an inch or so at a time along a seam and rotating the thing around to work on another point, this allows the welded area to cool again and one simply works round and round till the whole lot is done.
The picture below shows the empire of windows. In order to keep the tonnage of the doors within the human realm I have made a lot of the components from square or rectangular steel pipe. The treatment of the surface would crush the pipe, so I filled my working lengths with molten lead to allow them the privilege of retaining their shape, more or less.
The darker timber will eventually merge with the pale cypress when the surfaces are scorched.