He has university entrance exams coming up, so keen to fill his head.
The rubbish men took the plastic cases of the computers I smashed up, so I will try them with the metal bits, all the cables and half the glass from the CRT display tomorrow. There is still a pile of junk someone has thrown away up the mountain, it is right by where the rubbish truck does a U turn up our road, so the guys must see it every time they do the route. The council have put a yellow tape around it like a crime scene, but it will probably sit there for quite a while longer. They only took the last pile away when it started to grow. Some people leave receipts and whatnot in the junk they chuck and the council chase them up, but I don't think they get fined as yet. Japan has been fairly recycle conscious for a while, but there is still a lot of fly tipping.
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