Today's job was the soul destroying task of tidying up the space under the widow. Hoovering is not so bad, but this is one of those spaces that ends up being home to all the junk that we have not been able to decide whether to throw out or not. Courtesy of a consumer society that doen't work properly, we haven't consumed these things, they are still here, just no longer viable for use, old computers that still work fine, but are too slow for work use, a whole nest of those black adapter things for all sorts of stuff that no longer lives here, miles of electric cables, old clothes etc, the sort of stuff that people throw away on our mountain roads when they move house or spring clean. I didn't understand how they could do it before, but I see that if I was in the city and faced with all this stuff I might grow desperate enough to be tempted to ignore everything I ever learnt about righteousness and skulk off and chuck it all out next to a lovely clean river. Understanding doesn't make it right just as it is not right that it will all end up at the junk yard. I will do my best to break it all up into daily rubbish units, plastic, metal, etc. But there are limits and we will have to pay thtough the nose for some of it like the computer monitors I expect.
I spent most of the day sorting and tidying and there is still loads to do. I think it will take longer to tidy than it did to put in the window. I hope one day this won't happen anymore, there must be a better way of manufacturing, facing up to these nasty realities of waste management.
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