The wishes of yesterday did not come true. A very grey day with drizzling rain. I think the caulking I stuck in under the tin roof held OK, but I couldn't get out on to put the copper on. The roof is slippery enough when it is dry, so in the rain it is a health hazard. I made up the interior instead, put in a bit of backing and did all the putty around the inside of the frame where I cut the roof. I noticed that a bit of wall was impinging on some of the light that I could see from my futon in the morning, so I cut a hole in it and made another little blue window, like the ones from last week. That will be part of my morning viewing each day from now on. Putty and backing around that too. The sun did come out for about five minutes in the afternoon, but I shall have to wait for another day to find out where the sun lands in the mornings. It was noticeably brighter this morning, so when its sunny it should be lovely.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Previous Posts
- Well I got the window in OK. It was nearly dark wh...
- Up in the roof today. I ordered a skylight window ...
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- I think if I were still at primary school, today w...
I really like this map thing, I almost always click on it to check for new spots. I don't have any way of knowing who is who, but whoever you are, thanks for looking in.
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