Well, the weather cleared this morning, so I got the copper flashing made up and fitted, here I am just popping the last screw back in the window just in time for lunch. I spent the afternoon painting the inside. It is raining hard out there now, so it is a good job I got the waterproofing organised. The roof is pretty slippy even when it is dry, so I usually go out there barefoot, I had to keep one leg over the ridge to stay put with both hands on the job. I have found those last dumb little jobs can be the ones that trip you up, so I tend to take excessive care with them, something like slipping with the driver and chipping the glass would be a major mess up. That should be the last of the window theme, I wonder what I will get up to tomorrow. Time for a drop of shuteye now.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Previous Posts
- The wishes of yesterday did not come true. A very ...
- Well I got the window in OK. It was nearly dark wh...
- Up in the roof today. I ordered a skylight window ...
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- The funeral was this morning. In Japan things happ...
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- No energy left for drawing today, pictures of toda...
- Another change of plan, this little chap was sitti...
- Change of theme, I saw a deer like this when I wa...
- Today I had some translation stuff to do in the m...
I really like this map thing, I almost always click on it to check for new spots. I don't have any way of knowing who is who, but whoever you are, thanks for looking in.
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