Slightly scrappy images for a while I think. I have inserted another element into the daily do, using an excercise machine. It will take time for me to work that in and get enough time to spend on drawing. I managed to remember my appointment for work today, but got about ten foot down the road in the truck when I realized I had forgotten to put the thing I was going to fit into the truck, I went down and got that and set off. All went well with the work, the door had shrunk quite a bit in the winter dry weather and so there was enough of a gap to see the latch bolts clearly and to stop the thumb latch engaging properly. I adjusted the door to get the latch working and fitted the cover plate that will stop the latches being visible. The owners still seemed very happy with their door and they said that just that morning someone had stopped in their car to get out and have a better look at it, and that it quite often draws comment from passers by. The couple were on hand while I was working, holding the door steady and generally observing the procedure. I don't really mind that at all, I am always keen not to mess things up and I basically know what I am trying to achieve, so I have nothing to hide in the work, no carpets to hide dust under..Charcoal and gouache on cartridge
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