Tea rows
I found that my tea and tool steel mix had become somewhat depleted, so I was out between the rows of tea bushes next to the house picking some of the fallen green leaves first thing today. I have an old pot with springs, tool steel swarf and a few busted drill bits in. I just add the tea and water and boil for a while, the poorer the quality of the steel the browner the mixture. The first time I made it I needed some in a hurry, so I sharpened up a load of stuff on a bench grinder and collected dust in water with a magnet under the bowl to speed up the blackening process. I guess it would work OK with a wood rich in tanins as well, Oak or chestnut shavings should do it. The mix actually darkens wood as well, but I haven't tried it as a finish in that way.
It seems like the bushes are shedding quite a few leaves ready for some new growth in spring. This area is one of the dogs favourites, so I had to watch my step.
Charcoal on cartridge 33x41cm
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