
Every year there are a few male toads that stick around when all the whooha is over. Sometimes they get lucky with a late female arrival. My attention was attracted by such a pairing this afternoon, but I also noticed that the pond level had dropped. I got out the length of pipe I use to encourage the flow with a little suction. That didn't work well, so I checked further up the stream and found my collection tank needed a bit of attention. I dug around the feed pipes a little and got the flow of spring water going again, then went back to suck on the pipe again. I noticed how impressively grubby my hands were as I took a last look at the toadlings. It was a very quiet year again, I wonder if the population is dropping. The next froggy attraction will be the tree frogs egg laying as well as the two lots of tadpoles so far leaving the water. The table was on hold today with translation work taking most of the day.
Charcoal on cartridge 36x53cm
Labels: toads pond
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