
Planks everywhere and not a mote in sight, but my eyes do feel a little stingy from the dust.
Starting up on the door, so surrounded by all the planks that I had stacked as possibles for use in that. It is always a challenge to get what you want from the timber without wasting too much or making a dumb move and missing some better arrangement of parts that will work better, once you cut, you are pretty much stuck with your decision. These projects are all with solid timber and often found or recycled, so, nails, knot holes, checks and rot are some of the features I have to take into account as well as warpage, past present and future.
Aside from that rather pondersome task I chiselled away at the surface of a counter top and trued that up with a variety of planes, and sharpened some of the same.
Charcoal on cartridge 37x53cm
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