
I got the rest of the glueing done on the window frame and cut the little rebates for the hinges on the door frame. Then when I was fairly happy the glue had taken hold I popped the frame in the vice and had at it with the arbortech and the belt sander. As I've said before, the vice can be tilted and swiveled, and here it is tilted back a bit to give a good cross light that will show how I am doing with shaping the profile. The wall timber on the house is 12cm, so the rounded part sticks out about 12mm beyond that to make the timber of the shaped part just proud of the plaster board or drywall, which will cover the square bits on the corners. The window is in an iterior wall between an entrance way and a corridor, so there is no need for weather proofing or anything. The other side will have to wait till tomorrow.
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