Nothing better to show for the day, so here is that window as seen on entering the house from a side door. If you then turn right immediately, you see the view from yesterday. Simple stuff like the similar arrangement of panels runs right through all the pieces in this house. The glass arrangement is also the same as that for the front door, which would be on your left as you were looking at this from outside the building. The door you enter to get to this is just an Emtek product I think, but that has a small window and the blue from this glass is visible through that too and gives a nice ambience.
The central portion in close up below has the plum blossom engraving similar to the plum branch ironwork on the front door. It is a little understated and I think some people might not notice it in bright light. But, when they did see it later there might be some sense of magic.
The rendering on the walls is actually rather a warm pinkish color more like that seen through the glass in the close up. It is almost exactly the same color as the type of plaster used in blighty on walls that are to be painted.
Clicking on the pictures should zoom them in a bit.
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