Clifton Shaves

I have another pair of spokeshaves made by a company called Clifton. One has a concave curve the other convex. I am using the concave one here to round off the corners of a pillar for the roof project. Pulling here, but as explained back on sept 29 you need to push sometimes. Tomorrow I shall be scorching off this and two other timbers and hopefully fitting them, but there always seem to be fiddly bits I forget like copper cladding to protect the bases of the pillars. I hope to include some decorative windows in this structure, so I have to decide whether to include any joinery for them to be fitted in these main timbers while they are still available on the bench. I think I may just stick them in and hope for the best with adding the windows after, worth sleeping on that to let the subconcious have a say.
As long as I have some physical memory of doing something during the day, drawing with crayons is quite good fun as the evenings close in.
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