
I must confess to bearing a mild longing for beddy byes as the hour of eleven would have just struck if there were a striker in the clock instead of a radio receiver to check the proper time.
Some useful measuring activity at the site today and consequently some timber ferrying to start work on tenons etc for the roof timbers. It is but a few steps from the yard to the shop, but all things have to be carried there unless they have wheels or their own pod like perambulatory protuberances. I suppose I am guilty of giving my feet more to think about than is necessary, but sandals were entirely appropriate given the local climatic conditions and like some intelligent horses they do have some conception of the path they are to follow.
I still have a couple of calculations and ponderings to complete before I can get everything cut, but at least I can make a start.
My thanks as usual to David Bowie, the toon Five Years is somehow a help when the hour is late and one is still fiddling about with bits of chalk in the hope of making a picture to record something of the day.
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