Worst foot

With heights and stuff I seem to be OK as long as it is for work. Putting the worst foot forwards up just a few feet today working on the scaffolding for the roof project. I was sorely tempted to resort to a test card photo for the day, but I am trying to force myself to put down something if at all possible. I always remember a conversation in a pub with a one time teacher of mine who had had a mental collapse. He had been in an art therapy course at one point and he said you could tell the worst cases because they just couldn't force themselves to bring anything out to leave as a mark on the paper. So when I am stuck I just start making some kind of marks and wait for an image to develop like one of those instant photos of old. Today's started the other way up. I usually shrink the images before compression, but didn't today, so you can click and get quite a lot of detail. I shall ask my darling dad if it makes a lot of difference in download time when he looks at it, and if not I'll not bother shrinking anymore.
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